Technify Malawi Donates Computers to Martin's CDSS

By Moreen Isaac

Students of St Martins CDSS were on Friday happy to receive a donation of five computers from Technify Malawi.

Speaking to YOL, Luis Misisa, one of Technify members working for NBS bank, said: "We want each and every student in this school to have access to this donation. It will help students to get information from the internet and other electronic sources."

According to his speech, all students were happy and they promised that they will always keep the computers safe in a good place and be able to care for them.

"We are happy because you have installed these computers at our school that will help acquire some knowledge through these computers," the head-boy Aubry Mazinga said.

His fellow students clapped hands full of joy and pride for his remarks.

The Headteacher, Mr Luke Konala thanked the donors for the computers since they will help the students learn to use computers before going to different universities.

He further said that the donation will also help his staff in preparing for teaching notes and examinations. He again promised to keep them safe and take good care for them.

St Martin's CDSS has been sending students to public universities (MUST, MZUNI, UNIMA, LUANAR) for the past eight consecutive years. It is with this achievement that Technify Malawi wants students to go to universities already equipped with computers using skills.

The Organization aims at reducing computer illiteracy among secondary school students across the nation.
