It Is Good To Promote Child Education

By Aisha Selemani

Recently, there was debate at St Monica girls' secondary school. Schools which participated in the debate included Koche CDSS , Mtonda CDSS and St Monica girl secondary school. The  topic of the debate was " girl education is not important ".

The proposers were saying that education for a girl is not important because girls are born to bear children as every women does. They also said that the girl education is not important because if they get education they get educated they will start wearing trouses which will lead to change of Malawian culture the proposers also argued that there is doubt in their mind that education is only one key to persons bright future this is because there are so many people who get educated but their is scarcity of employment. 

The opposer's said that it is good to promote girls education because when they get education they will decrease population growth here in Malawi. Felister Kaliyati the chief proposer also said that there is no  doubt in her mind that education the only key to persons bright future.

She also asked madam chair to appeal to government to make education compulsory for everyone up to secondary school.

In conclusion, these were the points from opposer's and proposers. On the topic, team B which was made up of proposers won the debate which means it is good to promote girls education.
