Yamikani Jonas says Malawi Scotland Partnership Helps Youths

Yamikani speaking during group sessions at Malawi Scotland Partnership Conference

By Yamikani Jonas

Upon our arrival in Lilongwe, I was quite excited and we went to Golden Peacock Hotel. At the hotel, I felt like I was outside the country. I liked the surrounding. The food and the room service were great. I had an unforgettable moment in my life I was feeling as if I was in London. It was a fantastic and luxurious place.

My experience was very nice because we went to Bingu International Conference Center and I met different people from different places others were my role models. I asked the Minister of Agriculture Joseph Mwanamveka on how they plan on cooperating entrepreneurship skills in the education system.

I asked this question because many youths are left with nothing to do after graduating. So maybe if they are provided with these skills they can start a business and find something to do.
Scotish Minister Ben Macpherson with Youth Out Loud reporters
I learnt more at the conference. I have known some things which I didn’t know for I didn’t know that Malawi and Scotland in a partnership for 159 years.  The Malawi Scotland partnership can help youths get educated through internship skills and this relationship can help the two countries develop.

**Yamikani Jonas is a 15 year old form 4 student at St. Monica Girls Secondary School**
