Youth Out Loud Changed my life style for real


I was alone as if I was in the desert

They was no body but I my self

Indeed life was so hard

Without friends which I have those days

I used to speak on my own

Same as what a mad person does

Until Youth Out Loud changed my life.

Chatting, eating and being together with friends

Doing things that help us to achieve our desirable goals

Discussing on issues concerning our problems

Both girls and boys without favouring one side

Respecting and without violating our rights

Are the things I benefit from youth out loud

Indeed it changed my life styles.

My life styles changed as faster as a cheater

From the bottom  to  the top

Without leaving any space and distance

Youth Out loud is full of true colours for every child

Regardless of their level and place of origin 

Whether a girl or a boy because all we are is about Children

Yes, Youth Out Loud changed my life styles for real.
