Meet Felix Banda an aspiring Journalist and Lawyer

Felix at school, Mangochi Secondary School

My name is Felix Banda and l am 15 years old. l come from Monkey Bay and l learn at Mangochi secondary school, a boarding school. I was born on 17 September 2002. In my family, we are four children. All of us are boys and am the third born. 

In my spare time, I like writing poems, news articles, listening and watching news, reading (novels and books) dancing and music. My best friend at school is Frank Shaka. My favourite subjects are English, Social studies, Geography, Agriculture and History. I like these subjects because they are preparing me for the course that l want to do later after secondary school. My ambition is to become a journalist or lawyer.

Felix with other Youth Out Loud reporters from Mangochi Secondary School

The blogs that I have written so far
Violation at school
 l decided to write this article to show some of the things that happen in my school. While at school, I experience different types of behaviour from different people and I wanted to share these experiences with others.

School dropouts
This topic is also very important to me and everyone because dropouts happen in our school each and every year especially among girls.

Life enjoyment
This is important to me because right now l have observed that a lot of youths are spending too much time having fun. I see this in the behaviour that they portray everyday. This is a big problem in my community.
