Water supports all living things

Tifera Chenjerani, Form 3, 18 years old
By, Tifera Chenjerani

Water supports all living things including people and animals. That is why people say that water is life, meaning we cannot survive without it. In other words, a society without water is not possible.
Water problems are not new to Mphunzi. The challenges of water shortages negatively affect our school in many ways. 

Lack of water exposes us to the danger of being raped when we go out of the school to fetch water. Shortage of water also affects our performance in class. A lot of students attend classes tired after spending a lot of time fetching water.

Having no water at the school has also led to the shortage of teachers. Teachers do not want to come ad teach at our school because there is no water. Unsafe water also exposes us to the risk of several diseases.

Recently, one of our teachers, got injured while she was out fetching water at one of the wells. As a result she did not teach us for a long period of time.

Because of lack of sufficient water at our school we are not able to do activities like gardening. Gardening can help to reduce the cost of buying food. We are very capable of growing things like vegetables but because of insufficient water supply, the school has to buy all the food that we eat.

An irrigated garden would help the school save money and use the savings to supplement our poor diet. A good healthy diet can lead to excellent performance in class or even in exams.

All these water challenges will soon come to end. I have seen and meet some people who are working on this problem. When I interviewed them they said that they will bring piped water into the school and the surrounding.
People from the surrounding village so happy to host this with this and so are we at Mphunzi secondary and primary schools. Once the water project is finished, we will monitor and make sure that the water pipes are safe.

The students, teachers and chiefs in this area are very thankful to UNICEF for this project. It will help to improve performance.

They are also grateful that UNICEF has bought water to this area.

**Tifera Chenjerani is a 18 years old form 3 student at Mphunzi**
