YOL Reporters attend Digital Story Telling Training in South Africa

YOL Project Officer Carol Zulu and YOL Reporter Zakaat Sambo making a presentation
Youth Out Loud (YOL) reporters namely Mphatso Chimfuti and Zakaat Sambo on 4th September traveled to South Africa where they attended a Digital Story Telling Training at Maropeng Hotel in Johannesburg.

The workshop was aimed at giving the youth from Africa to voice out their issues that affect them and fellow peers especially in the Generation 2030 by producing digital content that should be shared through different platforms of Social media.

The story telling depended on each country’s fast way of communicating with people whether through radio, films or blogs.

After the training, it was recommended that the representatives should also train fellow youth so that they can be able to tell their stories and bring behaviour and social change.

YOL team at the airport
8 African countries that attended the workshop included Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique and South Africa (youth and chaperons) and each country was told come up with the issues from their community and shared their experience.

Other issues covered included

1. What are the main issues affecting youth in you/your friends/ your community?

2. Stigma and discrimination, Drug and substance use, High dropout rate, Blessers (young girls dating old people) Suicide Cases where by young people kill themselves, Unemployment, early marriage, Child marriage, teenage pregnancies. Girl child limits to education, Cultural hazards each issue was discussed according to their community.

3. What opportunities do you and your youth have?

4. Education through some bursaries, Child and Youth Participation in Parliament, Access to internet, access  to land, a lot of NGO dealing youth activities.

5. What are the main skills you need to success as an adult?

6. Generation gap, lack of support initiative, lack of youth decision making position, Guidance and mentorship, Soft skills,  capacity building, lack of knowledge, voluntary opportunities, more practical skills, technical skills, entrepreneurship skills, reading and writing, and sexual and reproductive skills.
