Many districts in Malawi are registering high rates of school drop outs. It is not a different story from Mtasi village because a lot of boys are dropping out of school.  I conducted interviews with the following people:

Leonard who is 15 years old dropped out of school and the reason being that his parents could not afford to provide school material for him such as uniform, books and pocket money.

Karib, a 17 year old boy dropped out of school while in class 6. His reasons were that his friends influenced him to go to South Africa because his elder brothers are not educated but they are making money in South Africa.

In her opinion, Memory, a parent said that boys are dropping out to school because of peer pressure which forces them to smoke and this makes them leave school.


Zakaat Sambo is a 17 year old form three student at Mpondasi Anglican Secondary School. He wants to be a doctor.
